The School Board of Levy County will hold a Public Hearing at its office in Bronson,
Florida, 480 Marshburn Drive, on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. to
amend/adopt the following School Board Policy:
3.06 Safe and Secure Schools
3.32 Suicide Prevention
4.37 Instructional Materials Selection
4.38 Educational Media Materials Selection
4.42 Challenged Materials
5.02 Student Assignment
Policy Levy County School District Controlled Open Enrollment and
Choice Policy
5.17 Student Injuries / Illness
5.42 Parental Access to Information
5.43 Parental Access to Information
6.032 Appointment or Employment Requirements
6.042* Report of Misconduct
6.40* Records and Reports
8.20 Background Screening for Contractors
Public Comments can be submitted by email to or
delivered in writing to the district Office at 480 Marshburn Drive, Bronson, FL., and must
be received at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Public
comments may also be made in person on the day of the meeting.
Persons having questions concerning the proposed School Board Policy
adoptions/amendments should contact Becky Childs, Coordinator of Pre-K, Homeless
and Student Services or John R. Lott, Jr., Assistant Superintendent, School Board of
Levy County, Bronson, Florida at (352) 486-5231. Copies of the proposed changes
may be obtained, at cost, from the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 480
Marshburn Drive, Bronson, Florida, 32621.