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Levy County
School District
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Chapter 5 Policies
School Board
Board Policies
Chapter 5 Policies
5.01 - Non-Discriminatory Admission of Students.pdf
(8.9 KBs)
5.011 - Foreign Exchange Students.pdf
(72.2 KBs)
5.02 - Student Assignment.pdf
(308.5 KBs)
5.021 - Homeless Students.pdf
(306.6 KBs)
5.025 Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care 7.14.20.pdf
(293.5 KBs)
5.03 Student Absences Attendance.pdf
(258.6 KBs)
5.04 -Requirements for Original Entry.pdf
(49.7 KBs)
5.05 - Admission to Kindergarten.pdf
(73.4 KBs)
5.06 - Admission to First Grade.pdf
(10.2 KBs)
5.07 - Granting Permission for Students to Leave the School Campus.pdf
(11.8 KBs)
5.08 - Student Control.pdf
(10.6 KBs)
5.09 - Student Detention, Search, and Seizure.pdf
(81.0 KBs)
5.10 - Suspension of Students.pdf
(46.0 KBs)
5.11 - Expulsion of Students.pdf
(90.5 KBs)
5.12 - Judicial Review.pdf
(9.0 KBs)
5.13 - Zero Tolerance for School Related Crimes.pdf
(74.2 KBs)
5.14 - Gun Free Schools.pdf
(16.7 KBs)
5.15 - Administration of Medication.pdf
(358.7 KBs)
5.151 - Medical Marijuana.pdf
(104.0 KBs)
5.16 - Eye Protection Devices.pdf
(73.0 KBs)
5.17 - Student Injuries Illness.pdf
(278.3 KBs)
5.18 - Legal Name of Student.pdf
(10.3 KBs)
5.19 - Educational Records of Pupils and Adult Students NEW.pdf
(332.5 KBs)
5.20 - Directory Information.pdf
(55.3 KBs)
5.21 - Married and Pregnant Students.pdf
(10.1 KBs)
5.22 - School Day for Pupils.pdf
(11.0 KBs)
5.23 - Student Identification Number.pdf
(9.7 KBs)
5.24 - Detention.pdf
(10.3 KBs)
5.25 - Grade Reduction as Punishment.pdf
(9.9 KBs)
5.26 - Corporal Punishment.pdf
(287.5 KBs)
5.27 - Boycotts, Walkouts, Sit-Ins, and Other Disruptive Acts.pdf
(8.9 KBs)
5.28 - Students Infected With Serious Communicable Diseases.pdf
(14.3 KBs)
5.29 - Exemption From Physical Education Program.pdf
(10.6 KBs)
5.30 - Secret Organizations Gangs.pdf
(10.0 KBs)
5.31 - Student Dress Code.pdf
(8.9 KBs)
5.32 - Club Initiation Ceremony Hazing Activities.pdf
(11.1 KBs)
5.33 - Vehicle Use by Students; Arriving and Leaving School Grounds.pdf
(11.1 KBs)
5.34 - Insurance.pdf
(8.9 KBs)
5.35 - Valedictorian and Salutatorian.pdf
(530.0 KBs)
5.36 - Incidental Supplies.pdf
(9.3 KBs)
5.37 - Student Grievances.pdf
(129.2 KBs)
5.38 - Bullying and Harassment.pdf
(371.2 KBs)
5.39 - Seclusion and Restraint of Students with Disabilities in Public Schools.pdf
(464.2 KBs)
5.39+ - Notification of Involuntary Examination.pdf
(271.4 KBs)
5.40 - Dating Violence and Abuse Policy.pdf
(224.0 KBs)
5.41 - Student IIlness.pdf
(250.1 KBs)
5.41+ Children of Military Families.pdf
(432.5 KBs)
5.42 - School Health Services.pdf
(343.5 KBs)
5.43 - Parental Access to Information.pdf
(527.8 KBs)